A3S PTR 109, .308

A3S PTR 109, .308

A3S PTR 109, .308
A3S PTR 109, .308
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UPC Code 897903002718
Color Black
Caliber .308
Manufacturer Part Number AC-100004
The A3S rifle features a black powdercoat finish, black polymer furniture, 18" tapered barrel and polymer navy lower. The precision-welded top rail allows the addition of your favorite scope or you can use the traditional iron sights (included). 18" Barrel, roller delayed blowback operating system, 9.5lbs with a 1/10 barrel twist. Ships with one 20rnd magazine.

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2 Most recent customer reviews...

Thomas Bordelon

Jun 26, 2020

Great price and excellent customer service. Shipped as fast as an order of magazines I made a while back.
Like any HK clone the PTR 91 arrived with an extremely stiff charging handle and magwell but has broken in nicely after a few hundred rounds. Holding bolt gap nicely at 0.012". Thanks and keep up the great service TGS!
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Dr. Fred S. Glick

Aug 7, 2019

Prices are great and knowledgeable staff cannot be beat. Best of selection of higher-end guns and popular accessories in the area. Add in an easily navigated web site and you have one of the best gun stores anywhere.
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