Aero Precision AR15 Complete Lower Receiver w/MOE SL Grip and SL-S Carbine Stock - BLK

Aero Precision AR15 Complete Lower Receiver w/MOE SL Grip and SL-S Carbine Stock - BLK

 Aero Precision AR15 Complete Lower Receiver w/MOE SL Grip and SL-S Carbine Stock - BLK
 Aero Precision AR15 Complete Lower Receiver w/MOE SL Grip and SL-S Carbine Stock - BLK
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Weight 26.00 oz
SKU APAR501132
Manufacturer Part Number APAR501132
Aero Precision AR15 Complete Lower Receiver w/MOE SL Grip and SL-S Carbine Stock. This Complete Lower Receiver is the perfect base for your custom AR15 build.
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