Beretta 80X Cheetah, .380ACP - Black

Beretta 80X Cheetah, .380ACP - Black

Beretta Cheetah 80X Black Top Gun SUpply
Beretta Cheetah 80X Black Top Gun SUpply
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Our Price: $799.99

UPC Code 082442969411
Color Black
Caliber .380acp
Manufacturer Part Number J80XBLK13

With an easier-to-rack slide, lightened recoil from tuning of the slide weight, spring rates, and chambering in .380, the 80X Cheetah is designed with an enhanced fit and style for elevated speed and control. For those looking for something different, the 80X Cheetah comes in a premium assortment of color options with limited edition multi-tone variants and market-leading finishes. A light, crisp and consistent single action/double action pull. The overtravel is adjustable to shorten the reset to 1mm. Comes optics-ready allowing for the ability to add an optic to improve accuracy and target acquisition speed. Allows for a more compact profile for carrying concealed. The added feature of a Picatinny rail gives the option for weapon mounted lights and other Picatinny mounted accessories. Ships with two 13RD magazines.

Must ship to a U.S. FFL dealer

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