Beretta 92G Elite Compact LTT

Beretta 92G Elite Compact LTT

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Manufacturer Part Number J92GC9LTTM
Caliber 9mm
UPC Code 082442868912

The Beretta 92 Elite LTT Compact, built in partnership with Ernest Langdon of Langdon Tactical, is the ‘Ultimate 92 CarryPackage’, incorporating many features including a special Vertec/M9A3 style slide with forward cocking serrations, fiber optic front sight, blacked out rear sight, G style decocker, beveled sharp edges, a spurless hammer, and a compact M9A1 style Frame that Beretta shooters have always loved. Equipped with a 4.25" Barrel, DA/SA action and ships in hard case with three 15rd magazines.

Must ship to a U.S. FFL dealer

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