Browning 1911-22 A1 Compact - .22LR

Browning 1911-22 A1 Compact - .22LR

Browning 1911-22 A1 Compact - .22LR
Browning 1911-22 A1 Compact - .22LR
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SKU 051803490
Manufacturer Part Number 051803490
Caliber .22LR
UPC Code 023614072010

The Browning 1911-22 A1 Compact chambered in 22LR is 85% the size of a full size government model 1911, but utilizes the same great ergonomics and shootability that the 1911 is known for. Fixed front and rear sights, matte black finish, last shot hold-open, A-1 style mainspring housing, single side thumb safety, 3 5/8" barrel, aluminum alloy receiver and wood grips. Comes with case, lock, manual and one 10RD magazine.

Must ship to a U.S. FFL dealer

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