Magnum Research Desert Eagle 7RD .50AE Magazine

Magnum Research Desert Eagle 7RD .50AE Magazine

Check-Mate Desert Eagle 7RD .50AE Magazine
Check-Mate Desert Eagle 7RD .50AE Magazine

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Weight 5.00 oz
UPC Code 761226022909
Manufacturer Part Number MAG-50

Made from carbon steel and then black oxide coated for a long lasting finish and rust resistance. Will fit the .50 caliber Desert Eagle and has a capacity of 7 rounds.

Average customer rating:

2 Most recent customer reviews...

Tom K

Dec 10, 2022

This magazine fits properly and is the correct one for the Desert Eagle,the promag on the other hand is not in my experience.
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Taylor Snow

May 9, 2021

Honestly If it wasn't sold as checkmate I'd think it was an actual factory mag. If they don't actually make them for Magnum Research they are an awesome second. Buy it
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