Check-Mate M1A, M14, 25rd .308 Parkerized Magazine

Check-Mate M1A, M14, 25rd .308 Parkerized Magazine

Check-Mate M1A, M14, 25rd Parkerized Magazine
Check-Mate M1A, M14, 25rd Parkerized Magazine
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Weight 10.00 oz
SKU M1A-25
Manufacturer Part Number M1A-25
Caliber .308 Winchester

Check-Mate M14/M1A magazines. These magazines are brand new M1A/M14 25 round .308 magazines manufactured in the USA by Govt Contractor, Check-Mate Industries.

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Average customer rating:

3 Most recent customer reviews...

Michael Rose

Jul 14, 2020

My first time ordering from Top Gun Supply! The website was fast and easy and my order was filled and shipped quickly. Tracking information was also supplied.
I was quite pleased with the fit and finish of the Check-Mate M1A magazines that I purchased. They are American made and of high quality.
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David Deats

May 20, 2020

worked flawlessly in with an M14
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Mark Johnson

Oct 14, 2017

I put just over 200 rounds through this magazine during practice for a match. I loaded a full 25 rounds of my federal match ammo in it every time and the magazine funtioned flawless. A really good magazine for the price. It looks like I have caught the match shooting bug again and will be buying plenty more of these
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