GIR PTR 101, .308

The GIR rifle features a Parkerized finish, classic green furniture, 18" tapered barrel and a clasic "SEF" steel lower. The precision-welded top rail allows the addition of your favorite scope or you can use the traditional iron sights (included). Ships with one 20rnd magazine.
Dom Cioffi
Feb 1, 2020
Brad and Rick are top notch at Top Gun. The PTR 101 is a great value priced 308 rifle. The platform is a 70 year old "Roller" design that has been in service by many armies all over the world. Parts for the rifle can be had at bargain shelf prices as new old stock or even well used. Fancy folks can go all out and buy many new HK branded parts from the HK 91 rifle. The build quality on the PTR rifle is very good esp the GI version with the old style metal lower with three position selector. No warranty card, No owners book, No swag and one 20 round magazine that was old stock HK from 1967! The packaging box is a total piece of crap as well, but what the heck I always buy good quality carrying cases for my pistols and rifles anyway.
R. Cole
Sep 1, 2019
I was looking for a 308 semiauto and was not interested in an AR-10 platform. I purchased the rifle and 6 G3 surplus mags(5 dollars each) and took the PTR out to shoot. Not one malfunction in 75 rounds. The weapon is very comfortable to shoot. I was shooting two inch groups at 100 yards. The gun does beat up brass, but didn't throw it nearly as far as I had been told. I am going to buy a sight adjustment tool, I want to zero the 200 yard peep for 100. I don't care for the V battle sight at 100. Great weapon, really it is in a class by itself!