Glock 34 GEN 5 MOS 9mm - Black

Glock 34 GEN 5 MOS 9mm - Black

Glock 34 GEN 5 MOS 9mm
Glock 34 GEN 5 MOS 9mm
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SKU PA3430103MOS
Manufacturer Part Number PA3430103MOS
Caliber 9mm Luger
Color Black

The GLOCK 34 Gen5 MOS features an extended barrel and greater slide dimensions, making it a favorite among sport shooting competitors. Design enhancements include the GLOCK Marksman Barrel (GMB) which delivers increased accuracy with enhanced polygonal rifling and an improved barrel crown, no finger grooves, ambidextrous slide stop levers for better versatility and control, and an nDLC finish, which is a tougher and more durable finish that is exclusive to the GLOCK manufacturing process. Ships with MOS Adapter set, box and three 17 round magazines.

Average customer rating:

1 Most recent customer reviews...

Eric Griff

Jun 26, 2019

The only retailer I thought about when I wanted to source my 34 for my training course was top gun supply. Always the highest quality firearms. Always respectful of military and law enforcement and the only source for top of the line firearma. They love the second amendment and fight for our rights. Support our friends at top gun supply!
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