Glock 40 GEN 4 MOS 10mm - Black

Glock 40 GEN 4 MOS 10mm - Black

Glock 40 GEN 4 MOS 10mm - Black
Glock 40 GEN 4 MOS 10mm - Black
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Weight 3.00 oz
SKU PG4030103MOS
Manufacturer Part Number PG4030103MOS
Caliber 10mm
UPC Code 6450300267
The Glock 40 Gen 4 chambered in 10mm Auto features a full 6 inch barrel for increased velocity and enhanced ballistics. Powerful, yet carried easily, the Glock 40 in the MOS configuration is an ideal backpacking or defensive pistol for the outdoorsman and hunter alike. The Modular Optic System allows the shooter to mount the red dot sight of their choice quickly and easily with minimal tools. Four adapter plates are provided as well as a cover plate when no optic is mounted. Comes with additional backstraps, 3 mags, case, manual and lock.
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