Glock 48 MOS 9mm - Black

Glock 48 MOS 9mm - Black

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UPC Code 764503046636
Manufacturer Part Number PA4850201FRMOS
Caliber 9mm
Chambered in 9x19 the G48 MOS features the GLOCK Slim Mounting Rail for mounting tactical accessories and incorporates elements of the Slimline series such the short trigger distance, a frame with a built-in beavertail, a reversible magazine catch and the incredibly accurate, match-grade GLOCK Marksman Barrel (GMB) of the Gen5 series. The G48 Rail also features precision-milled front serrations. The slim magazine has an orange magazine follower for higher visibility and is specifically developed to ensure the 10 rds magazine capacity. Note: The G48 with the Modular Optic System (MOS) does not come with adapter plates.

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Phyllis Hulton

Nov 26, 2020

My goal was to secure this narrow slide MOS in the early stages while waiting for the tactical light and red dot manufacturers to get up to speed with accessories designed to fit this configuration. Top Gun Supply is our favorite stop and Brad and Rick are both Top Notch!
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