Glock Grip Force Adapters
Improve your Glock grip with Grip Force Adapters. The adapter easily mounts on your existing backstrap with just a hammer and 3/32" pin punch. Push out the factory pin, press the Grip Force Adapter onto the backstrap and install the included pin. You will now have a grip angle more like the 1911 type grip angle. The short beavertail extension provides for an improved grip while also protecting the web of your hand from slide rash.
It's All About Repetition And Training
Being able to consistently grip your pistol the same way every time increases your ability to draw fast and get an acceptable sight picture quickly. Ask any top competition shooter. The Grip Force Adapter is a an excellent means of being able to duplicate your grip and burn in the muscle memory by providing a solid landing spot for the web of your hand. The ribs make for a secure surface and aid in putting your hand on the same spot every time. With training and proper repetition, you will achieve better results. Designed with input the firearms industry's top trainers and pistolsmiths. The Grip Force Adapter is one of the most innovative Glock parts to hit the aftermarket in years. Top Gun Supply is proud to be your authorized distributor of Grip Force Products!