H&K P2000SK 9mm, LEM, Fixed Sights

H&K P2000SK 9mm, LEM, Fixed Sights

H&K P2000SK 9mm, LEM, Fixed Sights
H&K P2000SK 9mm, LEM, Fixed Sights
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SKU 709302-A5
Manufacturer Part Number 709302‐A5
Caliber 9mm Luger
UPC Code 642230244634

Brand new Heckler & Koch P2000sk chambered in 9mm, LEM DAO trigger, standard fixed sights and two 10 round magazines.

Average customer rating:

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Rigoberto Ramirez

Jan 22, 2020

Had been chasing this piece for a while, when needed to upgrade my concealed carry gun. HK never disappoints. Even for my not so small hand, this gun performs and feels excellent. Service at TopGun Supply was superb. Highly recommended.
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