H&K MP5, SP5K and HK94 9mm 30RD Magazine

H&K MP5, SP5K and HK94 9mm 30RD Magazine

H&K MP5, SP5K and HK94 9mm 30RD Magazine
H&K MP5, SP5K and HK94 9mm 30RD Magazine
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Weight 7.00 oz
SKU 206349
Manufacturer Part Number 206349s
UPC Code 642230254336

9mm 30 round factory Heckler & Koch magazines for the SP5K, MP5 or HK94 rifles.

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Average customer rating:

4 Most recent customer reviews...

Ryan Grabow

Oct 1, 2020

Great selection Super fast shipping definitely a go to supplier.
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Dave Case

Jun 28, 2020

Great HK MP Five magazine and fast service. Buy once cry once the hk mp5 mags are the best working and made magazines. With the price of the Hk near 3k why buy cheap aftermarket magazines. 7 mags is enough! Thank you Top Gun Supply!!
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Derrick Watson

Jul 2, 2018

Have purchased a variety of HK magazines for pistols and MP5's over the years. I'm diligent about testing functionality of magazines on weapons platforms I trust my life to...HK manufactured mags can't be beat. Top Gun was extremely prompt in their filling of my order.
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Sean Voudren

Feb 15, 2018

Magazines are perfect, high quality german HK production mags. The fuction flawlessly in my Mp5a3f. Best price i have found for new HK mags, and i will be buying more. Shipping was very fast, three days i believe.
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