HK USP Match Trigger Kit

HK USP Match Trigger Kit

HK USP Match Trigger Kit
HK USP Match Trigger Kit

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Weight 2.00 oz
SKU 216169R
Manufacturer Part Number 216169R

H&K USP Match Trigger Kit for full size HK USP models only. This is a factory Heckler & Koch parts kit and will fit USP 9mm, USP .40S&W and USP .45ACP pistols.

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5 Most recent customer reviews...

Ron Bull

Nov 9, 2020

once i got the kit installed, i was very pleased with the single action mode, the adjustable trigger stop and the reduced sear spring and reduced trigger return spring , was outstanding. the double action was improved slightly, Im glad i spent the time installing it. i made a set of pliers for the installation of the trigger spring, the only concern was the sear spring didn't have the hooks on the bottom to retain the spring in my first year issue HK. i watched a video on the installation while i was doing the procedure, it requires patients and focus, took about 1 1/2 hrs and a few dozen choice words and was done
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Oct 17, 2020

Turned a great USP into a greater USP. Highly recommend the official H&K trigger return spring pliers. I used my needle-nose and sent my match return spring into orbit.
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George Peters

May 30, 2020

Excellent trigger replacement. It made significant improvements to the smoothness and feel of the trigger for both double and single action. HK says the trigger poundage is the same, but it truly feels lighter. Accuracy has also improved appreciably.
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Justin Aylsworth

Oct 22, 2019

Have yet to install the USP Match Trigger Kit. However, so grateful to Top Gun for notifying me when they received the kits after approximately 2 years of unavailability due to HK import cycles. Top Gun is my "go to" for HK factory parts.
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Martin Karch

Oct 20, 2019

Product is original authentic H&K and works like a charm. Have in all my H&K's !
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