Mossberg 590 Tactical 12GA. Shotgun, 20" Barrel, Synthetic Stock

Mossberg 590 Tactical 12GA. Shotgun, 20" Barrel, Synthetic Stock

Mossberg 590 Tactical Pump Shotgun 50674
Mossberg 590 Tactical Pump Shotgun 50674
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SKU 50674
Manufacturer Part Number 50674
Caliber 12 GA
UPC Code 015813506748

Since 1919, Mossberg has been the leader in introducing important design breakthroughs to the firearm industry. Many product features pioneered by Mossberg are now the standards by which all modern firearms are judged. It is this basis of unquestionable quality that drives Mossberg to bring reliable, well-built shooting systems to you at an affordable price.

This 590 Tactical pump shotgun has a 20" barrel, 7+1 capacity, Ghost Ring Sight, M-Lok Forend with a synthetic stock.

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