Mec-Gar Beretta 96 .40S&W 15rd magazine - ANTI-FRICTION COATING W/ADAPTER

Mec-Gar Beretta 96 .40S&W 15rd magazine - ANTI-FRICTION COATING W/ADAPTER

Mec-Gar Beretta 96 .40S&W 15rd magazine
Mec-Gar Beretta 96 .40S&W 15rd magazine
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Weight 4.50 oz
UPC Code 765595511088
Manufacturer Part Number MGPB9615DPS

NEW! Anti-Friction Coated Mec-Gar 15 round B96 magazines with the Plus 2 adapter for 15RD's total capacity.

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3 Most recent customer reviews...

Alexander Alvear

Mar 29, 2024

Very quick shipping! Item exactly as described and a very good price!! will definitely be ordering again!!
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Mar 18, 2022

I can confirm that the issue encountered by the review above is correct. Same problem with the mags in all 5 models 96 and 2 of the 96A1. Even worse in the newer A1 models. Top gun was great on delivery and Mec Gar mags are usually much better than this. I have polished the feeding ramp on my 96’s and modified the mags to fit. All work as they should now. For premium manufacturer these mags are less than I expected.
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Carl Nicklos

Mar 5, 2022

First of all, working with the people at Top Gun was great. And the quality/workmanship of the Mec-Gar 15 rd magazine was great. But... was only able to award 3 stars. Where they (Mec-Gar) missed the mark was that I had a nearly 100% jam rate when hand cycling the slide with hollow point ammo (JHP). Upon closer inspection, I measured the opening at the top of the magazine and found them (all 4 of them) about 0.9mm narrower than the factory Beretta Mags. Beretta mags measured 9.6-9.9mm(2x) vs. Mec-Gar 8.9-9.0mm (4x measured). This, in turn, meant that the rounds were lower down the feed ramp; causing the sharp edge of the JHP to catch on the feed-ramp bottom (jamming). The guys at Top Gun immediately offered to take them back; but, I refused the offer; instead, I was able to insert some heavy duty ring lock pliers at the top, and flare the openings about 0.5 to 0.8mm. They now work flawlessly. The front of the bullet is angled a bit higher. Due to the sheetmetal wrap-around at the back end, was not possible to flare along entire length; but, feed just fine. Would have been tempted to return, but really wanted the capacity, and the workmanship of Mec-Gar (obviously, above issued excluded)
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