SDS Imports Magazine Extension MAC 1014

SDS Imports Magazine Extension MAC 1014

SDS Imports 80041050 Magazine Extension MAC 1014 12 Gauge Black
SDS Imports 80041050 Magazine Extension MAC 1014 12 Gauge Black
Our Price: $49.99

SKU 80041050
Manufacturer Part Number 80041050
UPC Code 723551445525

MAC-1014 magazine extension tube. Increases capacity to 7rds. Fits MAC-1014 series shotguns and compatible variants Includes tube and spring. Anodized black finish.

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Freddie Garrette

May 2, 2024

I purchased a 2 shot magazine extension from topgunsupply for a MAC 1014. It was installed on the firearm and seems to work well with no issues.
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