Sellier & Bellot 7.62x39mm 124 GR. FMJ - Brass Case - 20RD

Sellier & Bellot 7.62x39mm 124 GR. FMJ - Brass Case - 20RD

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Weight 13.00 oz
SKU SB76239A
Manufacturer Part Number SB76239A
Caliber 7.62X39
UPC Code 754908512416

This is excellent ammo for practice, recreational shooters, serious competitive handgun shooting sports, Bullseye competitors shooting, action pistol shooting matches and silhouette shooters. Also a excellent home defense round. Brass Cases FMJ, Non-Magnetic Projectile and 124 grain. 20rd Boxes.

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3 Most recent customer reviews...


Sep 29, 2020

Great ammo and hard to find. Shipped quickly. Of course now Brad is sold out, but that's life.
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todd binette

Sep 23, 2020

Brass AK ammo for 50c/round during these times was like finding gold in them hills!I received it on 3rd day too...Great place and friendly on the phone
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Brantley A

Jun 15, 2020

This ammo is good quality and at a great price
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