SilencerCo Velos LBP Suppressor - 5.56mm

SilencerCo Velos LBP Suppressor - 5.56mm

SilencerCo, Velos, Suppressor, 556NATO/223 Remington, 5.98
SilencerCo, Velos, Suppressor, 556NATO/223 Remington, 5.98
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SKU SU5059
Caliber 5.56mm
Manufacturer Part Number SU5059
UPC Code 816413028216
Color Black

The Velos LBP is SilencerCo's answer for customers seeking optimal performance from a 5.56mm silencer. The balance of exceptional sound performance without adding back pressure to the operating system of the host firearm sets it above the rest. Incorporating newer manufacturing processes the 3d printed Inconel 625 core is fully welded to the 17-4 front and rear modules making this product unlike anything else on the market.

Must ship to a U.S. FFL dealer

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