Smith & Wesson K-22 Masterpiece Pre-Model 17 .22LR - USED

Smith & Wesson K-22 Masterpiece Pre-Model 17 .22LR - USED

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Caliber .22LR

Smith & Wesson K-22 Masterpiece Pre-Model 17 chambered in .22LR. K Frame with five screws, Patridge front sight, micrometer rear sight, and checkered walnut stocks. Matching serial numbers on butt, cylinder face, yoke, behind the star extractor and on the barrel flat. Six groove tangs on the frame. "Smith & Wesson" on left side of barrel, "22 Long Rifle CTG" on right side of barrel. "Made in U.S.A." on lower right of frame. Very good condition with slight wear on the ejector rod and muzzle. Ships with leather holster, no box.

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