Smith & Wesson Model 629 Six Shot, 5 inch .44 Magnum

Smith & Wesson Model 629 Six Shot, 5 inch .44 Magnum

Smith & Wesson Model 629 Six Shot, 5 inch .44 Magnum
Smith & Wesson Model 629 Six Shot, 5 inch .44 Magnum
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SKU 163636
UPC Code 022188636369
Manufacturer Part Number 163636
Caliber .44 MAG

The Smith & Wesson stainless steel M629 6 shot revolver. Featuring an fluted cylinder, 5 inch full underlug barrel, adjustable rear with orange ramp front sights and factory rubber grips.

Average customer rating:

1 Most recent customer reviews...

David R White

Mar 14, 2022

I am so happy with my S&W 629 5”. I didn’t know they were still making these. Perfect balance of barrel length. I found out about Top Gun Supply via TFBTV and I was not disappointed. Gun was shipped the next day and in my hands in 5 days total. Incredible. Highly recommend!!
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