Wilson Combat #47OX 1911 Officers .45 ACP 7rd magazine - Stainless

Wilson Combat #47OX 1911 Officers .45 ACP 7rd magazine - Stainless

Wilson Combat #47OX 1911 Officers .45 ACP 7rd magazine - Stainless
Wilson Combat #47OX 1911 Officers .45 ACP 7rd magazine - Stainless
Our Price: $35.95

Weight 3.00 oz
Manufacturer Part Number 47OX

Wilson Combat Officers Model 7 round stainless steel 1911 magazine. Designed for compact Officer's Model type 1911's. Will not fit full size of Commander type 1911's.

Average customer rating:

1 Most recent customer reviews...

William Alsteens

Jan 24, 2020

Wilson Combat Magazine is excellent quality. Better than original factory equipment. Great turnaround on order and attention to detail.
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SDS Imports Magazine Extension MAC 1014

SDS Imports Magazine Extension MAC 1014


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